Technomics R Package Repository

technomics: costverse

This project serves as an R package repository host. Packages in the costverse can be installed from here rather than compiling from source using remotes::install_github().

For example, use the following to install costmisc.

install.packages("costmisc", repos = "")

Welcome to the costverse!

The costverse is a collection of R packages, inspired by the tidyverse. The goal is to create a cohesive ecosystem of R packages to streamline tasks encountered by analysts in the cost analysis profession. This can range from importing common data formats, working with difficult data structures (e.g., a WBS), or applying more advanced analytical techniques!

The costverse began as an internal Technomics project to develop a set of tools that enable our employee owners to solve our clients’ problems more effectively. While aspects of the project remain internal, the following packages are currently available to the public. You are free to use them under the GPLv3 - all that we ask is to please cite us as the authors.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about what else is in the works!